Vegas Prom 2008 at Bare Pool - Red Carpet

Last night, September 29th, under the stars at Bare Pool Lounge, Vegas Entertainment proudly presented the 4th Annual Vegas Prom: It’s Senior year.

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Vegas Prom 2008 at Bare Pool - Red Carpet
Vegas Prom 2008 at Bare Pool – Red Carpet

At Vegas Prom, we took ourselves back to high school, only imagine that this time you didn’t have to ask your parents for money. We are sexy, confident, and our biggest dilemma is not that we can’t find a date, but trying to figure out which of the multiple of people were probably seeing that we want to take. This time there is no curfew and we’re (hopefully) not virgins!

As you know, Vegas Prom Court has been a heated and prestigious aspect of the In addition to King and Queen nominations for Prom Court, we will also be celebrating those who have been in Las Vegas less than four years by the new categories Prince and Princess and fun commemorative categories to which we can all relate. Prom with Money, where the punch already comes spiked. It’s a sin city original and as always, exclusively for us!

Photos by Jeremy Womack –

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